But fact X is wrong!!
Nearly all information comes from Wikidata, use the link on the top line and fix it there. The update process is currently manual, and there is heavy caching on the site, so your change may not be reflected on the site for some time.
What are all those Q12345679 things
The Q numbers are wikidata identifiers. They can appear if a item does not have an English label there. If spotted please enter the Q number in Wikidata's search box and fix as above.
Some phrases are links to missing pages
The Expounder sites have many fewer entries than the 100m on Wikidata. At the edges of the site, rather than show red links (ugly) or take you to wikidata (disruptive) it shows a link in black text and a link to a currently missing page. These pages might be filled in, or have some redirection to Wikidata in future. Don't click on them.
My God its slow
The site is very clever, and the first time anyone visits a page it can take 10s to get text formatted. There is heavy caching, so subsequent visits should be much faster. The hosting service is cheap and shared with other people too.
I don't want this entry to be on your site
There is a mechanism for removing entries, but not links to them. If you want something removed from the Wikidata backend, use their complaint mechanisms.
Can I steal your stuff
Yes, all the data is available through Wikidata, you can copy the wiki templates and the source code for this site will be published sometime. But please don't run crawlers, I'd rather provide you with the data files. See the Template:Page for the files used. But you must respect the Expounder:Copyrights rules.
Where are all the ads and begging for money
Not needed while the site is hosted on its current server.
Can I set up something similar for my hobby
Yes, provided you aren't rude about the clumsy back-end written in bash, or mention Windows.